Coming Soon!
In the heart of rural England, a family of intrepid adventurers discovered a lair, in which, if the old tales were to be believed, a fearsome Lindworm had once been known to reside. Heady with excitment, but wary of what they may encounter, the adventurers entered the lair to explore.
Contrary to their fearsome reputation, the inhabitant of this particular lair was extremely personable and befriended the adventurers, inviting them into his abode – what they were to find inside would change their lives forever!
The Lindworm Lair has been started as a family venture to provide handmade leather goods from a bygone age, for use in LARP, Cosplay, REN, D&D or as collectibles for the discerning connoisseur. Based on a fantasy theme, with heavy Viking and Pagan influences, items available within the Lair will be durable and hardwearing, to last the test of time and the adventuring lifestyle!
The Lair will soon be open to new adventurers, and we hope that whilst exploring its depths you will find that special item you have always been looking for.